
Friday, August 24, 2012

Spinach Pesto Ravioli and Zucchini

The kid got his first bloody nose today.  We had met the husband for lunch.  I got a delicious panini and the husband got a massive Rueben sandwich.  He has never gotten anything else at that particular restaurant--he loves a good Rueben.  It started out so nicely.  We decided to eat outside as the weather hasn't been excruciatingly hot lately, just very hot.  I had brought a butternut squash and cheese sandwich and some steamed carrots for the kid.  But, mostly when we are out he gets too distracted to eat.  

Well, he took a nice little tumble face first onto the concrete while trying to get off his chair.  He cried for a good 10-15 minutes and wouldn't eat much after that.  His beautiful nose is red and bruised and it looks like he got in a massive fist fight.  On top of that his canines are still trying to push their way through, so he's been a pretty miserable baby lately. 

I don't really know how this ties into spinach pesto ravioli.  Other than on days like these, when the kid won't leave my arms, I like something super quick and easy to make for dinner.  Something that won't require side dishes or too many steps and is very healthy.  This dinner definitely fits the bill.  Three steps: boil the pasta, blend the sauce in a blender, and toss together.  That's it folks!   With a whole bag of spinach, zucchini and an optional bell pepper, it is packed with nutrients.  And what kid can resist pasta filled with cheese--except, of course, mine.  A refreshingly light, tasty and healthy dinner in 15 minutes flat.  

Spinach Pesto Ravioli with Zucchini
Serves 5
a balancing the table original

1-25 oz pkg frozen ravioli
1 large zucchini, halved and sliced in 1/4 inch slices.
1/2 cup fresh basil
1  9 oz pkg fresh spinach
1/2 cup light itialian dressing
1/4 cup parmesan cheese
2 tbs. sunflower seeds
1 yellow bell pepper, steamed (optional)

1.  Cook ravioli according to package directions, adding zucchini for the last 2 minutes of cooking.  Drain.
2.  In blender, basil, spinach, dressing, cheese, sunflower seeds and bell pepper.  Blend until smooth, scraping down blender as needed.
3.  Toss ravioli mixture with pesto. 

What the husband thinks:  He liked it.  A very tasty way to eat your spinach.  He's not a huge fan of fresh basil.  If he was I think he would have really liked it.

What the kid ate:  Steamed carrots.  What else?  He will NOT eat pasta, even if it is filled with cheese.  *Sigh*  Maybe someday I'll be able to eat pasta with the frequency I would prefer.

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